Corporate Responsibility
How we Work together
"Excellent Sevices and Solutions Saves Lives"

Business Ethical Policy
We conduct our business ethically, with integrity and in full compliance with the law.
As critical in our success and sustainability is what we believe on how we conduct ourselves in providing our solutions and giving our professional services.
Our Business Ethics Policy are foundational on how we do business and how we put our values into practice every day. Our Business Code of Conduct policy sets our ethical requirements for employees. Each of our employees must certify that they have read and understand the policy when they join AMI. Violations of the policy are taken seriously and may result in disciplinary action, up to and including termination of employment.
Our passion and goal to deliver excellent service and solutions in order to save lives comes with heavy responsibility. Just like doctors and nurses trusted by people to do the right thing, Our clients and people trust us and we exist to that trust. Whatever our role in AMI, it exist in order to save lives.
Respect and Confidence
Respecting our policies, procedures and legal structures means we strengthen and retain our relationship. Abiding to this principle is what hold our corporate society together. We build our reputation and lead our business to the highest standards.
Not everyone jumps for joy when they hear the term “policies”, it’s a fact, yes. But we realize they are important since they let us do what we are all here to do, exist and sustain.
Management and Accountability
Our commitment to always act with integrity, honestly, fairness and equality to support and learn from each other: -as a whole composes team work and effort. It is our obligation to support each other, learn from each other, share information, and be open-minded, but with due respect and protection to confidentiality in our business practices and acumen, business dealings and privacy of information.
Always ask and speak up if something doesn’t seem right without compromising the highest standards. We take care of each other; we take care of our society. We act together to protect our stakeholders, pushing our business towards meeting global standard that will ensure sustainable foundation and future of Philippine Health Care.
Always act with Integrity, Dignity, Confidentiality, Accountability, Responsibility and Team Work
Protect confidentiality, privacy and information
Look out for each other and the society
Take care of the common good of people
Stand up and speak up for what is right
Prioritize quality and safety
Act respectfully with confidence
Act together to protect the stakeholders
Sustainability development
Our commitment to a healthy environment and society begins with the quality of choice of international partners we represent in the Philippines, solutions we provide, and services we offer that will benefit our countrymen and all patients across the country. We also strive to demonstrate continuous improvement in our impacts on social and environmental aspects.
At AMI, it is an integral in meeting our goal to increase access to care through responsible sourcing and purchasing while also working, evaluating and advancing ethical business practices and acumen, patient safety and product quality and product stewardship. We have identified the goals that are most relevant for our business operations. Some of our goals are to promote healthy and vibrant well-being of communities where our employees work, live, give, volunteer through good cause across the country; and to give contributions in making the world a better place to live for everyone.
We are working in expanding healthcare access to underserved populations that live out of reach of quality care, have limited knowledge, don’t know how to navigate to our local healthcare system or advocate for themselves. The responsibility we imposed to ourselves to reduce this burden of chronic disease and believe that through “Team Work and Effort” approach, we can prevent, control, and manage chronic diseases. Businesses, communities, governments, and people living with non-communicable diseases each have important roles in this shared approach.